Monday, May 11, 2015

Is There Not a Cause by Jeff Pruett

Is there not a cause? 

     In the world we live in today, well over half of the population are young people. These young people are desperately looking for something or someone to believe in, something worth living for, and if necessary even worth dying for.  Young David, before he was king, asked a profound question, he asked, "Is there not a cause?"
    True Christianity, biblical Christianity, holds the answer to the question that young David and the youth of this generation are asking deep down in their hearts.  But, make no mistake, there are other voices speaking... vying for the allegiance of the youth of this generation. Our culture is saying, "Just fit in, and be like everybody else." However, today's "blend in" culture creates a suffocating vacuum into lifestyles of powerlessness; paralyzing its victims with apathy and boredom.  Who's to blame?
    During the 19th century, Dwight L Moody founded a Bible College because he saw this dilemma in and among church leaders. He put it this way: "The greatest problem among ministers in my generation is they are trafficking unlived truth."  
     The Gospel preached in the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit, brings an authentic, unfathomable transformation, and these results must be completely equivalent to that of those men and women we read about in the book of Acts. Men and women full of God, this has always been the Lord's answer and way of addressing a world filled with deep hurt and shame from the ravages of sin. I love how succinctly E. M. Bounds put it -

          "Men are God's methods; the church is looking for better           
           methods; God is looking for better men."

    The Word of God reminds us that, "The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but are mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds." (2 Corinthians 10:4)  In response to young David's profound question to this "Now" generation, "Is there not a cause?"...I say YES, YES there is a be world changers in the power of the Holy Spirit!  I firmly believe this "Now" generation is not looking for a new definition of Christianity, rather it's looking for a new demonstration of Christianity!
     God is rising up a generation of sold-out believers that are full of new wine, and no longer only points the way, but leads the way! Great men and women of God that we rightfully and respectfully honor in generations past did not have bigger Bibles, they did not have bigger calendars, and they did not serve a bigger God!
     God has made a promise to the youth of this generation and that promise will be fulfilled! As always ,it is conditional. That condition is availability. You may call it dedication, total surrender, commitment, whatever you want but bottom line is; if you are willing, the promise is for you.  "When Christ calls a man, He bids him come and die" Dietrich Bonheffer
     This Last Days Army of World Changers will be a people that are familiar with the miraculous! God will use our youth to grip their own generation with cause and a vision that will drive back the dark angel of complacency and destruction.  Daniel 11:32 "but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits."
     This holy battle cry has come down through the ages, and still echoes in the hearts of God's people today. The Gospel still has the power to deliver from the tyranny of "social approval" and make us free to do the will of God even if it means laying down our lives in the process. Yes, there is a cause.
Blessings to you!
Jeff Pruett
MidSouth District NextGen Rep

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